Services.We offer a wide variety of research studies that will help you understand and predict the efficency of the communication materials and publicity elements.
ResearchWe do all the neuro research your company needs.
Our tools are webcam, click time, key press reaction based metric and we can provide all our services worldwide. We also have the online panels needed for strong sample size requirements worldwide. |
TrainingTime to get you and your team up to date.
A group of professionals can help train your team with the latest neuroscience tecnologies. Experts with over 56 years of combined expertise and more than 2000 studies on the background can lead your team into understanding the neuro research big brands are using today. |
TechnologyOur tools are well prepared for today's fast pace marketing world.
We can be ready for testing in less than 24 hours, fieldwork can be as quick as 2 to 4 days, and ready to present results in 3 to 5 days. |
WOW (The Way of Work)Very simple! If you have a brief of a project let us know, or, we meet and discuss your objectives in the next 24 hours. Then we prepare all the process in order to go to the field work for around 2 to 4 days.
Finally, in 3 to 5 days we present and deliver a full report. |
Our GoalAdd value to companies and their brands, through efficiency in the processes of generating ideas, creativity and communication development, saving resources in trial and error processes through the prediction process.
…and talking about KnowledgeOur team has been doing 2 types of research: Academic and Commercial, making them a group of specialists including Ph.D., Magisters and highly qualified professionals with a unique set of knowledge.